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Anne L. MacNaughton


Anne L. MacNaughton
Anne L. MacNaughton

Born in Arkansas and raised in Houston, Anne L. MacNaughton worked briefly at the Texas State Library as archivist for historical manuscripts before dropping out of graduate school in 1970 and moving to Libre, an artists' community in Colorado where she started an alternative grade school. Relocating to northern New Mexico in 1979, she has worked as a desk clerk, childcare worker, librarian, baker, prep cook, paralegal, copyeditor, book designer, journalist, remedial reading specialist, Indian education tutor, an instructor in Taos High School's international education program and for several years ran her own educational testing and tutoring services business. Along with Peter Rabbit she co-founded the Taos Poetry Circus in 1982 and has been a poetry activist ever since, currently serving as Director of the World Poetry Bout Association and the annual Taos Poetry Circus. She is a visual artist, organic farmer, teacher, playwright and a founding member of The Luminous Animal jazz-poetry performance ensemble.

Her work has been published in The Best Poetry of 1989 (Donald Hall, ed.); The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart (Robert Bly et al., ed. HarperCollins); New Mexico Poetry Renaissance (Red Crane); Written with a Spoon (Sherman Asher); Thus Spake the Corpse (Black Sparrow); The Ecstatic Moment: The Best of Libido (Dell); and in numerous literary journals and magazines, including Blue Mesa Review, The Taos Review and 51%.

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